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Chod Ekev

A double-takeoff tough adventure in Tzin desert

Hiking Start: Parking at the back gate of Kibbutz Midreshet Ben Guryon (the back gate is always open) or parking by Ben Guryon grave site, 317m ASL

Hiking: 10km (depends on your glides), 433Hm, 4-5h

Takeoff Point 1: A nameless mountain with outdoor sculptures, 557m ASL

From the backdoor of Midreshet Ben Guryon walk 15min east on the red trail to the lip of the cliff where the metal totems (outdoor sculptures).

After takeoff from there, glide SE to the north side of mount Chod Ekev and connect with the trail that climbs north of Chod Ekev (it’s part of the Trans-Israel Trail)

Takeoff Point 2: Chod Ekev, 540m ASL

After takeoff, glide north and connect with the path of Maale Tzin. From the path walk up to the plateau (north-west on the black trail) and then walk west on the red trail back to the car in the Kibbutz  

Takeoff Type: Desert Rocks

Takeoff Direction 1: S-E

Takeoff Direction 2: All directions (Mount Chod Ekev Mountain has a pyramid shape)

Landing Options: Tzin desert has many open fields – aim to land on the trails

Advantages: Many landing options. Popular 4X4 area in case of emergency. Hiking up to Chod Ekev is beautiful. Both takeoff points are rock-free. Good Falafel at the commercial center of Midreshet Ben Guryon. Arrival is possible with public transportation

Disadvantages: Walking back to the car after gliding from Chod Ekev can be challenging during the hot hours. No water points – make sure you are equipped with enough water for the entire day

Caution: Full-On desert! Respect it

Disclaimer: The route situated in an area defined as a national park, with all related implication

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