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Mitzpe Mikvar

Hike and Fly in the lowest place on earth

Hiking Start: Parking at the main gate of the vacation village Metzokei Dragot, -183m ASL

Hiking: 6.7km, approx 150 Hm, 1.5-2.5h

Colored trail black into the canyon and then red to the takeoff

Takeoff Point: Mitzpe Mikvar, -95m ASL

Takeoff Type: Desert Rocks

Takeoff Direction: NE, E

Landing Options: By the junction of the military stop (before the road climb to Metzokei Dragot). From there one need to hitchhike with any car climbing to the starting point at Metzokei Dragot

Advantages: An easy hike crossing the beautiful Darja canyon. No major elevation to climb

Disadvantages: One need to hitchhike back to the car – not ideal in the evening

Caution: The solders by the stop may want to ask some questions

Disclaimer: The route situated in an area defined as a national park, with all related implication

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